*Crafted into being unhappy individuals

    Over the past one hundred or so years, our entire Western culture has been subtly re-programmed.  Our behaviors, our responses, our hopes and our desires have been subject to various and contrived manipulations by those who stand to profit from being able to control the behavior and responses of both the individual and society as a whole.

    -We have been unwittingly and unknowingly but malevolently crafted and manipulated into being chronically unhappy and dissatisfied individuals.

   -We have been programmed to be unhappy with our:

    Appearance-Weight-Social status-Possessions-Wealth-Poverty-Home-Children-Job

    Family-Friends-Enemies-Government-Church - and, last but not least – God.

    The trick, or should I say the motive behind all of this is:  The chronically unhappy person is easily controlled and manipulated.  Above all, from the manipulator’s perspective, the key is to keep the individual unhappy.

    Unhappy folks can be manipulated because the unhappy individual will always try to seek consolation and relief from the pain of the unhappiness that pervades him.  The unhappy person seeks to feel better, to be consoled, to be reaffirmed, to feel whole and complete.

    Once the condition of the unhappy person has been established, it becomes fairly simple to control the ways and means by which the unhappy individual seeks comfort, consolation and respite from the perceived source of his or her unhappiness.

    What more convenient means, then, to make the unhappy person feel better than to sell them something that they perceive will make them happy.

    We observe and experience ourselves this phenomenon constantly:

    “If I go shopping, I’ll feel better.”

    “If I snack on something, I’ll feel better.”

    “If I get drunk, I’ll feel better.”

    “If I take drugs, I’ll feel better.”

    “If I buy that new car, I’ll feel better.”

    “If I indulge in pornography, I’ll feel better.”...


    You will be reaffirmed with incomparable beauty if you buy this crème.”, hauntingly echoes the advertisement with all of the allure of the Sirens of ancient myth.

    The only thing is, I never feel better, I am never consoled and the beauty crème did nothing to reaffirm my worth as an individual.

    It is important to observe that through it all, however, our programmed responses never change.  We remain in the same behavioral pattern as did Pavlov’s dogs over a century ago, drooling and slobbering at the sound of the advertiser’s bell.

    We denounce the evils which seem to so endemically afflict modern society, yet we have been intentionally programmed to be those very things which we denounce - ugly, obese, drunken, sex crazed, unlawful, greedy, immoral, disrespectful, selfish, socially deviant, (did I say lazy?), individuals.  And we wonder how society got this way.

    “We have seen the enemy and they are us!”

    Since it is contrary to the natural law for any of us to seek to be ugly, obese, drunken, sex crazed, greedy, immoral, unlawful, selfish or lazy, we are inwardly compelled to divest ourselves of these negative attributes.

    What better way to realize a sizeable profit than to teach these same people that they can rid themselves of this negative baggage by throwing money at it.

    Preach to them: “You can buy your way to happiness.”

    So, we begin to think in distorted and disordered ways, “Since buying that new car didn’t make me feel as good as I thought it would and the latest beauty crème really works best when used to clean my whitewalls, maybe a business trip away from home with my boss’ secretary will do the trick.”

    The subtle but omnipresent common denominator to all of this unhappiness is the mechanism in which we find ourselves trying to placate or alleviate our unhappiness by gratifying ourselves with something or even someone.

    Thus is manifested the insidious evil that lies therein:  There are those in this world who very much want us to be in a state of continuous unhappiness because they stand to profit tremendously from us in that weakened condition.

    In other words, we have been bred to be taken advantage of!

    There has been much in the press of late about the growing obesity of Americans.

    Unhappy people quickly become obese people.  Since eating is naturally a pleasurable experience, the psyche rationalizes, “If I’m really unhappy, I need to eat a lot in order to feel better.”

    The more prevalent obesity becomes, the harder the media works to project the image of the perfect body as being borderline anorexic.  Thus, the already unhappy, obese person becomes even unhappier, consuming even more, and consequently becoming more obese and more socially ostracized.

       We seek relief and escape by embracing the very thing that enslaves us!

    The spiritual noose tightens and the spiral continues downward, much in the manner in which the pattern of our personal debt begins to reflect itself as a miniature of the collective national deficit – the baggage keeps getting heavier, with no relief in sight.

    Just as a street corner dealer gets a new junkie hooked on his drug of choice, the crafty marketer reasons, “I can sell the obese person a membership to ‘Curves’, then lead her across the street to spend another $5 on a Big Mac with supersize fries after a good, healthy workout, by whispering in her ear,  ‘After all, you owe it to yourself.’”

    The sly marketer takes money out of our pockets both coming and going.
    (,,,) Sexual addiction is merely another manifestation of this malevolent and coercive attempt to make the individual unhappy and keep the individual unhappy because -

    The unhappy individual is much more easily led into sin.  And, as we all know, there is a great deal of money to be made in sin!  (“The love of money is the root of all evil.”)

    We got this way because a group of people worked very hard over many generations to make all of us weakened in this manner in order to control us.

    “Make them dumb, lazy, fat and affluent and I can do anything I want with them.  They won’t care what I do as long as I keep them comfortable”, chuckles satan as he plans seating arrangements for us in the bottom of hell.


    The unhappy person seeks to satisfy him or herself first, without consideration of the consequences or the effects his behavior has on others.

    God created sex.  He meant for it to be enjoyed.  Primarily, however, God made sex to be unitive and procreative – the true union of love in which two people give themselves to each other in order to become one. (marriage)

    True love is “self-denying and giving” not “selfish and taking.”

    Sexual gratification, then, simply becomes the selfish act of the lone individual in search of the illusion of happiness, a false light as it were, the result of which only leads to more unhappiness and progressively more searching since this solo act lacks both the unitive and procreative sharing that is necessary in the true act of love.

    Without true selfless love, therefore, there can be no genuine gratification or satiation of desire, which is why the act of self gratification, once completed, feels so empty and unsatisfying.  We continue to hunger and long for more satisfaction.  Thus, the cycle of addiction becomes self-perpetuating and progressively worse. 
  The Solution

    Whenever we seek consolation and joy from anything other than God, we are going to be disappointed.

    Only God is capable of fulfilling and satisfying our inmost needs and desires.

    No thing can, no person can – only God can.

    It is for the reasons described above that the devil works so hard to steal away your joy and happiness, for both of these are truly divine graces and gifts from God.

    That’s why the warning has never echoed more true, “Don’t let the devil steal your joy.”

    We must come to the realization that the satisfaction that we truly need is God Himself, for God is pure, selfless love.  The pursuit of God leads to happiness.

    It is only through the action of selflessly giving of ourselves to others do we become satisfied in return.  The more we give, the more we receive, and this is because we can never outdo God in generosity.

    It is in giving that you receive all the more – and the truly happier you will become.

    That is what the devil doesn’t want you to realize or understand.

    The solution lies in overcoming our pre-programmed fear of being charitable and giving.

    As previously noted, we have been configured and adapted to an environment that  rejects true love and replaces it with a false and distorted caricature that is self-love.

    We have been programmed to be afraid to try new things, especially intangibles such as charity, kindness, patience and self-sacrifice.

    These attributes are born of placing our trust in God and not in the world.

    Again, the devil doesn’t like this because it is through the very acts of charity, kindness, patience and self-sacrifice in your daily living that he loses control of you.


    The first step in overcoming an enemy is being made aware of his existence.

    Things to Consider -Examine your life.

    How are you being manipulated through chronic unhappiness?

    Which buttons does the devil push to manipulate and control you?

    Honestly examine, too, how much and how often you demonstrate tacit acts of charity, kindness, patience and self-sacrifice in your daily living.

    An increase in these positive behaviors inevitably corresponds to a decrease in the desire for self-gratification and a loosening of the grip that sexual addiction has on you.

    Cling tenaciously to God who is the source of your joy and make sure that you take time every day to know where He is in your life.

    If you do, His joy will be ever present, your joy will be complete and you will truly want for nothing, even if you possess little as far as the world is concerned.

    God Bless!

 Paul, for the Serenellians

St. Bernard of Clairvaux - "Absolutely every person, no matter how enmeshed in vice, ensnared by the allurements of pleasure, a captive in exile… fixed in mire… distracted by business, afflicted with sorrow… and counted with those who go down into hell—every soul, I say, standing thus under condemnation and without hope, has the power to turn and find it can not only breath the fresh air of the hope of pardon and mercy, but also dare to aspire to the nuptials of the Word."